Matauri Angus
Performance under pressure
Matauri Angus has a very proud tradition with some outstanding bulls bred over the years. Consequently Matauri genetics are spread through most Angus stud herds across NZ and many Australian herds. Many of the highest price bulls sold in recent years across NZ can boast Matauri Angus in their pedigree. The 200 cows are exceptional hill country cows with great structure, temperament and outstanding maternal traits. They rank well above the Angus NZ breed average for Self Replacing and Angus Pure Index and are known for their hardiness and shifting ability.
Every female must rear a calf or is culled. Fertility is outstanding with Matauri Angus a leading herd in fertility traits.
Bulls are sold as yearlings in September in a Low Birthweight sale and as rising 2 year-olds in July of each year by auction. Surplus females are also available for sale to studs for transfer and discerning commercial buyers.